Published inIOTPracticesOpenThread Commissioner Implementation in JavaA step-by-step guide to building a pure Java application for OpenThread external commissioning.Mar 10Mar 10
Published inIOTPracticesBuilding and Using OpenThread Commissioner Mobile AppBuild and configure a Android App as an External Commissioner for a Thread NetworkMar 4Mar 4
Published inIOTPracticesExternal Commissioning in Thread NetworkBuild and configure Commissioner CLI as an External Commissioner for a Thread NetworkFeb 28Feb 28
Published inIOTPracticesImplementing a TCP Client Using nRF ConnectDeveloping custom TCP client in nRF Connect SDK Apps using SDK and native APIs, and communicate with TCP Server in Thread network and…Feb 15Feb 15
Published inIOTPracticesnRF Connect SDK Advanced PracticesThis article explores advanced practices for working with the nRF Connect SDK, focusing on Zephyr OS internals, including timers…Feb 10Feb 10
Published inIOTPracticesImplementing a Joiner in nRF Connect SDKDeveloping custom Thread Joiner, and provisioning it with a commissioner. Exploring the nRF Connect APIs.Feb 9Feb 9
Published inIOTPracticesSimplifying Thread Network Provisioning with Joiner and Commissioner RolesHands on practice for Thread Network Provisioning using nRF52840 devices. Understand role of Joiner and Commissioner.Feb 8Feb 8
Published inXRPracticesContributions to ITU-T SG-20 on IoT and MetaversePresented my recommendations for standardizations in IoT and Metaverse at ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting, GenevaFeb 6Feb 6
Published inXRPractices🙏 Exploring the Metaverse | Testimonial 11Testimonial from Mayan Shay May-Raz, Principal Product, AmazonJan 24Jan 24
Published inIOTPracticesGetting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)Understanding the BLE Stack and Practicing with nRF Connect SDKJan 23Jan 23